
Not tonight, dear: Cabbage White Butterfly

Back in the day, and I’m talking about when Thursday Night Shopping was a new and exclusive thing and kids used to wear their bright red dressing gowns out to the shops – actually, NO THEY DIDN’T! THAT WAS AN ELABORATE LIE TOLD BY SOME PARENTS (MINE) THAT YOU ONLY REALISED WHEN OUT IN SAID DRESSING GOWN AND ALL THE OTHER KIDS WERE IN DAY CLOTHES AND GIVING YOU FUNNY LOOKS. Oof, that felt good to get out 🀣 But back in the olden days, I had a pet caterpillar for exactly 2 days. It was a plump green little fella, that did plump dark green poos. I called him Cool Cat (genius, right?) and kept in a jar with holes in the lid and leaves inside.

Now I don’t want to accuse anyone publicly but let’s just say, we, my parents and I, went out for a spot of Thursday Night Shopping (I’ve capitalised it because it truly was a big deal) and when we came home Cool Cat was gone! He somehow mysteriously vanished from the jar even though he was way too fat to fit through the holes. And as someone currently struggling to fit through small gaps I feel qualified to judge. But he somehow had managed to ‘escape’ and my very particular, very tidy mother didn’t spend one second looking for him. It was like she KNEW what had happened! Yes, I’ve been listening to True Crime podcasts lately. Why do you ask? Anyway, insert caterpillar/butterfly trigger here.

A few weeks ago, I spent the morning making my way around Wollongong Botanic Garden. Again, as far as adventures go, it was pretty basic but it was a delicious sunny day, not too hot as to end up a sweaty, panda-eyed mess, but just enough to almost convince myself that I’d had a workout. Kind of. If by workout I don’t really mean a workout. Anyway. There were loads of different critters around including various moths and butterflies and a handful of caterpillars, which are always fun to photograph in such nice light.

And amongst the many feeding insects was a very amorous male Cabbage White Butterfly and a very uninterested female. Firstly, my dude, do not disturb the lady when she’s trying to drink some delicious nectar. Rude. Also, if she has already been mated, she is not going to want to go through that again (apologies to my husband for just describing sex as something to ‘go through’. Poetic licence, I promise! πŸ˜‚) But seriously, it’s a waste of energy for her as she still needs to lay her fertilised eggs and so, she adopts what’s known as a ‘mate refusal posture’ with her wings spread flat and her abdomen raised up, often with her genitals fully out.

No thank you!
Still no

Not gonna lie, didn’t expect to be writing the words ‘with her genitals fully out’ but here we are 🀣 Take that Shakespeare! And yes, I’m drawing a ridiculously long bow, linking my caterpillar based trauma with an unsuccessful butterfly mating attempt but see my previous comment about poetic licence πŸ˜‰

Cabbage White Butterfly – Wollongong Botanic Garden


  • Suzaine

    I can’t stop laughing at imagining how to adopt ‘ The Mate refusal posture ‘ mind you at my age it’d be a bonus to have something to refuse.🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣 loved your funny and informative descriptions as usual. Wouldn’t it be great if we could transform into a chrysalis and come out all New and shiny. Mind you I’d need a bloody big beam to attach to awaiting metamorphosis. πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

    • backyardzoology

      Hahahahah I actually was trying to imagine that myself – my hips don’t move well enough to push out and up that far! Knowing my husband, he’d think that was the β€œopen for business” posture anyway 🀣

      • Suzaine

        πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I think mine would say ” is that some yoga crap you’ve taken up ‘ poor old bloke don’t even think showing him racy butterflies would jog the memories.

        • backyardzoology

          Hahaha he’s had his time to shine. Time to hang up the ‘boots’ so to speak

  • Barbara

    Oh my, your words gave me a good belly laugh and I needed that!::-)))) Mate refusal posture bbwwaaahhhh
    Love the photos!

    • backyardzoology

      That’s so good to hear! Honestly, going to this new set up rattled me a bit and I lost my voice. Tonight I just pretended I was back on facebook. Doesn’t take much to break my brain though πŸ€£πŸ˜‰