
Kestrels, lattes and a Eurovision hangover: my Saturday in too many words

Firstly, I wasn’t going to use this title even though it is perfectly true in every way, because I couldn’t work out if it should read ‘an Eurovision hangover’ or ‘a Eurovision hangover’. So there’s that. But secondly, good people of the Illawarra, how GORGEOUS was today?!

We had a late one last night watching semi final 1 of Eurovision. We have years when we get up at the crack of dawn to watch it live but honestly, I didn’t even realise it was on this year until I somehow stumbled across some related news. In my quest to become healthier and happier I was planning *cough cough* to have a break from alcohol. However, the idea of watching Eurovision sans a beverage or seven just didn’t sit right and so we drunk lovely wine into the wee hours. Okay, around 11PM. I’m old, alright?

Looking for prey in the sand dunes: they eat small birds, mammals, insects and reptiles, with small skinks on the menu today

I had planned a quick visit to Mt Annan but once I got into the car I just could not be arsed making the drive and so I ‘accidentally’ missed the turn off and instead drove to Towradgi Beach which was 100% the right choice. It was seriously gorgeous with a brilliant blue sky and emerald green water and no sooner had we started to make our way along the cycleway than a lovely, very active Nankeen Kestrel flew into view.

These birds are hands down one of my very favourite. They are adorable with such pretty markings but they’re also brutal AF; think: snatching lizards up, returning to the sky with said lizard now in the final moments of its life held tightly in one talon. This talon is then lifted to the bird’s mouth so that the lizard’s head can be ripped off, its nerves still firing, driving the gentle whip, whip, whip of its now headless body’s tail. Um, yum I guess. Yes, I tried to capture this over and over today. Yes, I failed on every single occasion.

Not going to lie, this bird was nearly the death of me. It hunted at one end of the beach, its wings beating quickly, blurring as it hovered above the dunes. I followed and tried to get some photos. The Kestrel dove downwards, snatching up food and then WHILE FREAKING EATING AND NOT EVEN GIVING ME A MOMENT TO CATCH MY ALMOST 47 YEAR OLD BREATH, it flew down to the other end of the stretch. I followed again. And again. I think I died somewhere along that track today. Still, totally worth it 😉🤣.

Nankeen Kestrel

Towradgi Beach


  • Denise Ravenscroft

    Awesome awesomeness BZ. Such stunning pics. Seriously you are astonishing. Love this post and your vicious beautiful Kestrels. I think your website is divine. So impressed!

    • backyardzoology

      Thanks so much Denise!!! Gosh it really does feel weird stepping out from Facebook, but I just got so sick of them limiting my reach. So frustrating! Hopefully I can find my footing here

  • Sarah

    What a stunner! Beautiful photos as usual. You do much better than me at trying to capture birds.

    • backyardzoology

      Awww thank you! I wish I could take credit but the light was so good and the bird so happy to pose it would have been hard to stuff up (still, lots of binned, blurry photos though 🤣)