
A dolphin a day, keeps me wishing I took my camera on my walks!!!

I have been focusing 100% on my health recently. Super clean vegan diet (okay, super clean-ish diet) and morning walks with absolutely no camera. These walks are for fitness and to keep my joints mobile and if I take the camera I tend to spend a lot less time walking and lot more time pointing the lens at various critters. Instead, I’ve been listening to True Crime Podcasts which has the opposite effect; those things make you walk FAST and also give your neck a good workout as you fling your head from side to side as you become hyper vigilant and jump at every noise 🤣

The last two days I’ve really regretted keeping the camera at home though, spotting pods of Bottlenose Dolphins on both walks! And yesterday, seeing Dolphins on the way there and the way back! Gah! I tried capturing them with my phone but they were so far away and I was so far away and they were just little grey, albeit sparkly grey blobs on the screen.

I did turn around for one last look as I headed to the car and spotted a series of pretty big splashes and thought, “What the hell, let’s just try one more time” and lifted the phone once again. That’s as exciting as my life gets these days. My YOLO moment is taking a little more iPhone footage before going home to do the housework 😂 But I’m so glad I did!!! Turns out, I captured four (maybe even five!) dolphins leaping out of the water at the same time. Look the footage is dodgy as all hell but hey, it was definitely cool enough to share!

Looks like it’s filmed on a potato but cool all the same!

I suspect that the dolphins were hunting but I’m not entirely sure what the behaviour would be for, with them all jumping in opposite directions 🤷‍♀️

So after two days of only getting a few seconds of *cough cough* ‘usable’ footage, I thought I’d share the footage (again) of one of my very favourite dolphin encounters when I was down at the same beach, earlier this year, to watch the sunrise and a pod of dolphins decided to photobomb me in the best way! The fact I was up so early was a minor miracle but to have the dolphins, including a baby so keep a look out! leaping up and down the beach as the sky glowed orange and then turned to pink and then red was totally special! Maybe I should try those early morning starts again… in summer 😂

Bottlenose Dolphins – Northern Illawarra